Wednesday, April 22, 2009 | By: Anita


Today, according to the calendar is 'Administrative Professionals Day'. I work at the Zurich Mennonite Church in the office. I wouldn't go so far to say that I am professional, but I am definitely gifted with administrative abilities. Someone once told me "if you find a job you love, you never have to go to 'work' again."

Well that's how I feel. I love, love going into work. Since I am part-time my hours are: Monday 9-1, Tuesday 9-2:30, Wednesday 9-3:30, Thursday 9-2:30 & Friday 9-2:30, perfect I know.
It helps me to keep a good balance/juggling of home & office and still allows time for reading, walking, my ladies group w.h.a.t. & jazzercise.

I also work with some great guys, Phil, Tim, Tom & Jamie - you guys are awesome - in a great atmosphere with people who value who I am and definitely appreciate what I do.

One of the 'perks' is that the 1st Friday of each month the South Huron Ministerial Secretaries gather for lunch at Eddington's. This is a wonderful opportunity for me to connect with others who are in the same position. I've gathered a wealth of information from these ladies who've been there.
Thank you ladies for your willingness to share how you've had to deal with different/difficult situations.

Of course it's not always sunshine & rainbows, there are days that are frustrating and sometimes dealing with people can be emotionally draining, but overall, I love my job: the good, the bad, the juggling.

I cannot imagine being anywhere else.



Sandra Regier - Photographer said...

YEAH!! So glad you love what you do! It shows :)

Monica said...

We are so glad that you do what you do... and that you are who you are. We love 'Nita'!

tomandlynette said...

You are so great at what you do. Thank you for all your hard work. We appreciate you very much. We love you "Nini".

Anonymous said...

Always good to read your blog...gain FRESH perspective on things.....
it is always good to know you are where you should be at this time in your life....
God is faitful and GOOD!!!
Had such a good day the other day....
looking forward to our card day next week