Monday, February 8, 2010 | By: Anita

...and so it continues

My follow-up appointment with Dr. Snider was today. Things are..... well, not a whole lot different. Dr. Snider however, was not discouraged. He reminded me that the symptoms did not happen overnight and therefore will not go away that quickly. So I continue without dairy, eggs, nuts & sugar in my diet, he also suggested I remove MSG. I continue to take a few homeopathic meds, like B12 & B6 and a few others to help me get back on track.

About the only plus to this is the fact that I have lost 11 pounds.....WAHOO! I know many people will say I did not need to lose any weight, but I obviously I did, or the weight wouldn't have come off.

Hopefully as I become more adjusted to this way of life, it'll get easier.
