Thursday, June 2, 2011 | By: Anita

Administrative Assistant Day

Each year the MCEC (the larger church organization that ZMC is a part of) hosts a day for all the admins in the group. Yesterday we met and sat through an amazing seminar, {I mean webinar since the speaker wasn't actually there} discussing "Effective Communication" by Yvon Prehn.

In the afternoon we spent time with Stu Steiner who led the session "Finding God in the Everyday". We were encouraged to go outside and intentionally focus on something. Spend 5 minutes and study it, or feel it. As I walked the grounds I thought I would study a beautiful tall Iris but as I wandered I got distracted by a small dandelion. My first thought was "ugh! what can a dandelion teach me about God". Regardless, I sat down and stared at the dandelion and this is what came to me.

The dandelion was created for a purpose and it does what it was created to do. As the strong wind blew, the dandelion bent over but it did not break and then it stood back up and continued to do what it was created to do. Here's my lesson: I too am created for a purpose. As strong winds blow, {trials or troubles}, I need to bend to His will and stand back up and continue to follow His plan and purpose for my life. Who would have thought a simple dandelion could teach me such a valuable lesson, it seems that sometimes the answer is blowin' in the wind.



Becky said...

WOW what an interesting perspective on a simple dandelion...yet a very good lesson to apply to life

Thanks for sharing what God laid on your heart


krystle ann-marie said...

Happy Admin Assistant Day, Mom!

Anneliese said...

They sure are hardy little plants and they know how to spread the seed...