Thursday, September 1, 2011 | By: Anita

they say it's your birthday

I'm singing, I'm standing in the kitchen and I'm singing ~ I'm singing "Happy Birthday" to my dear, dear son Kyle who today is celebrating his birthday! It's so hard to believe that it was 23 years ago today that we brought this "wee" bundle of blue home. With his many antics Kyle has made our home a place to laugh many, many times! So many memories flood my mind. He's all boy that's for sure! It's been a tremendous joy these past 23 years watching Kyle grow and mature into the amazing young man that he's become. Dear Kyle ~ It's been an incredible journey so far and as you continue to develop into the man that God has created you to be we pray that you will seek his will first and follow the plans that He has made for you. Knowing that we are always here for you and willing to lend a hand or two anytime. Happy Birthday Spike! Love Mom & Dad Blessings


Becky said...

Great Pictures THANKS for sharing....
