Saturday, October 1, 2011 | By: Anita

Another Move - More Tears

We just returned from moving our youngest son to his new apartment. It's a studio apartment at The Little Inn of Bayfield; where he works not only as a dishwasher but also now as the Night-keeper. (hence the move) As we're settling him in to his new place by putting stuff away and re-arranging the furniture to his liking, I began to clean. Although it wasn't too dirty, it was just something I needed to do. As I'm scrubbing the the floor in the bathroom, Darcy says to me "gee thanks mom, you're awesome!"

While I am excited for Darcy and all the opportunities this move will offer him, I still found myself tearing up. This is definitely one of those bitter-sweet times in my life.



Becky said...

Hope he is all settled and that you will be able to visit often
