Friday, May 25, 2012 | By: Anita

!!! 25 !!!

It's her birthday! and a special one at that. She's 25 on the 25th!
And even though we decided no more gifts I knew that I couldn't let this significant occasion pass by without something appropriate.  So, I gave her the Willow Tree angel "Mother and Daughter" as a reminder of our special bond.
Krystle; There are so many things to say and yet as I pause to think of you, I fill up with tears at the love that overflows from my heart. Our first child and only girl - you have so many gifts: your desire to serve God with all your heart, soul & mind; the talent you exhibit at playing the piano; your creative genius; the ambition you have for higher education; your genuine love and care for others, your willingness to lend a hand when needed. And the fact that you love me unconditionally even though I've made my share of mistakes are just a few of the reasons I love you. I know I've said this many times and it's probably grown tiresome, but I am SO proud of you and am honoured to have you not only as my daughter, but also my friend. Love Mom



krystle ann-marie said...

Awh Mom, don't make me cry! This was a wonderful post. Almost as wonderful as you are!

Anneliese said...

Such a beautiful tribute and response too!