Sunday, August 19, 2012 | By: Anita

K. P. A.

{Kyle Protection Agency}

We were in Orillia over the weekend, spending time with our son.  And as he chauffeured us around showing us 'his' town, and with him being 295lbs and 6' 3", it felt a little like having our own personal bodyguard, giving me at least a feeling of celebrity status. 

From the moment we arrived we were busy with: eating lunch at the TUX, {where he works as security} walking through the many shops downtown, while there was also an old car show through streets of town and just hanging out at his place.

We also spent time with our niece Brenda, her husband Rich and their two adorable children, Cedar & Nemma.  They blessed us with a place to stay and breakfast the next morning. 

Spending time with my Spike always bolsters my spirit. Watching our son become an independent young man, out on his own, helps me to realize that I did a good job as a parent. Sure I/we weren't perfect, and I know we made our share of mistakes - but when you see your sons or daughter "out there" on their own, well, it makes me proud.

As we finished lunch with Kyle & his girlfriend Teya we walked through the park and I captured this photo of them.
And before you know it, it was time to head for home.  Saying good-bye was hard as it always seems to be.  As we drove the many miles to get back home, the ache in my heart did start to ease and as I sit here remembering our time together, I am thankful.  Thankful that we can spend time with family, enjoying each other's company, and so very, very thankful that it's only a few hours of a drive; one that we can make again and again.  Until next time .. ... . ... .



Anneliese said...

I know some of these feelings ... it is intresting to be at this stage where we admire our kids and can hardly believe how they have turned out... something I can tell you are thankful for.