Sunday, October 14, 2012 | By: Anita


Who really wants to think about getting older?

45, to be exact.

45 is old enough to see how far I’ve come, but young enough to know there is still much ahead {Lord willing}. There have been some tests along the way: tests of faith, tests of courage, and tests of determination. I have had to make choices about my faith…choices to trust the Lord with my whole heart and not just with head knowledge.

As a child I used to think that once you were a grown-up, you were finished growing. Now I can see that the older I get, the more there is to learn. I don’t like tests. I don’t like to be out of my comfort zone. The little girl in me would like to stomp my feet, dig in my heels and not move forward. I like where things are comfortable and predictable.

And yet, if there is one thing that the Lord has taught me is that growth only happens outside of my comfort zone. It has taken me a long time to see this.

With family relationships.

With writing.

With service.

With faith.

With all of the things that make up my life, growth requires me to re-think old patterns, habits and ways of doing things. Growth requires me to take some chances, try some new things and make some choices for how I want to be living my life.

On purpose.

Not out of default, or fears, or old patterns of behaviour.

With heart and hands wide open to the grace of God, knowing that as long as my focus on the Lord, I am safe to reach out.

Happy birthday to me!



Anneliese said...

Happy Birthday to you , Anita!
I don't know if I've thought about growth in that way lately, but it is so true!