Tuesday, January 1, 2013 | By: Anita


It is that time of year when folks are doing two things. {Well, three things, but we aren’t going to discuss overeating during the holidays…}

The first is lamenting everything they didn’t get done this year. To that I say, time spent regretting time wasted is just more time wasted. {No, that quote isn’t original with me.} My take on things undone is to briefly take stock, learn from it, and move on.

The other thing folks are doing is thinking about next year and making resolutions. The unending optimists among us will list things like “lose 125 pounds by February 1″, “never eat out all year” and “exercise every day for an hour while only feeding my family completely organic, fresh, non-processed food”. To them I say, phooey on you.

I am so thankful that I am old enough to realize that New Year’s Resolutions are a waste of time.

Now, goals and lists of things we hope to accomplish… are another thing altogether.  As a dedicated list maker, I can buy into that. And since most bloggers are posting their reading lists and project lists for the year… well … last year I decided to do something different! Remember this?

And I’m doing it again only this time my one word for 2013 is authentic and according to dictionary.com it means;
1. not false or copied; genuine; real: an authentic antique,  2. entitled to acceptance or belief because of agreement with known facts or experience; 3. reliable; trustworthy.

I realize this could seem like a bit of a carry over from my 2012 word of honesty. But after much prayer, I  believe God is calling me to live, be and act as authentically as He made to be.  So what does being authentic look like?

Good question.. .

As I begin my year, I wonder, are you willing to journey with me as I figure that out?



krystle ann-marie said...

That is a great word! Stay tuned for mine coming up on my blog :)