Saturday, March 23, 2013 | By: Anita

WANTED: Friends

“The only way to have a friend is to be one.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

Most of us are familiar with the classic friendship story in the movie “Toy Story” - where our main character “Woody” the cowboy doll which had been Andy’s favourite toy, until it was replaced with “Buzz Lightyear” the spaceman figure, leaving Woody feeling left out of all the fun. Of course in classic Disney style the situations they find themselves in give these beloved characters opportunity to figure out a way to get along and end up becoming the friends they were meant to be.
You've got a friend in me, You've got a friend in me
When the road looks rough ahead
And you're miles and miles, from your nice warm bed
Just remember what your old pal said, Boy, you've got a friend in me!

You've got a friend in me!

We all want to have true friends; however making friends is difficult… at least it is for me. I have always found it difficult to find someone that I could relate to. Maybe it was because I was shy. Maybe it was because I am a little on the abnormal side! {depending on your definition of abnormal!} Maybe I never wore the right clothes, said the right things. Regardless of the reason, I always found it difficult to reach out to new people.

The older I’ve gotten the harder it is {or so it seems} to make friends. Since I don’t work out of the house, the opportunities just aren’t there. Finding friends over 40 has proven harder than I thought it would. It seems with each passing year it’s harder and harder to meet people who are interested in developing a new friendship. It seems everyone out there is either afraid of getting hurt, doesn’t want to make the investment into a new relationship or are quite comfortable in their own little clique of friends. While I do consider my mother, my sister, my daughter, and my aunt my friends, nothing beats a non-related friend who will grab a cup of tea with you or just hang out because they enjoy your company. Someone who will listen to your rants and raves without judgement; someone who you can share your life with.

We been attending a new church for about a year now and we love it! The Sunday morning worship in music is Spirit filled, the Pastor’s messages proclaiming the Word of God fills my soul for another week and the people are so friendly that I revel in their genuine love for us; and yet I haven’t made a deep connection with another woman. I knew that when we left our other church I would sadly lose a lot of those friendships as we would not have the same opportunity to connect since most of our time together was at the church building. I knew it and yet was still greatly wounded when it actually happened. I’ve tried to stay connected to a few ladies, but others I had to let go as there was is a lot of resentment because we left.

Which puts me, back in the friend market once again.

Maybe I should post a “Friend Wanted” Ad. Something like:
Wanted: Female friend who is interested in finding a real friend; someone who listens, who can hold a decent conversation, a kindred spirit to whom you can confide your inmost soul. Looking for someone that holds similar interests - such as going for a cuppa tea, walking, card making, working out, and cooking. Board game (book lover) is a bonus. Prefers someone with high family values. Looking for someone who is trustworthy, honest, and overall just a fun person to be with. Qualified person would be interested in fun times, new experiences, and creating what will hopefully be a lifetime friend! Serious inquires only.
Taking the time to nurture a friendship is worth every moment. As the years pass, some people will stay by your side, but many won't, and you'll realize that each friendship you keep is priceless.

Are you lucky enough to be blessed with friends, or are you like me and ready to place that ad?



Becky said...

I will be your forever friend...when can we meet for tea again


Anneliese said...

You have made me rralize how blessed I am to have friends. I don't think I have one particular bestest kind of girl friend, but I have good friends from different stages of my life.
I think that often times a good friendhsip begins when you least expect it. It can begin with a walking partner in the neighborhood or in getting together with other women in a service or hobby project. So don't give up because you never know where the seeds of friendship fall.

krystle ann-marie said...

You've got a friend in me! :)