Friday, September 27, 2013 | By: Anita

a day in her life


8:20 am wake up

8:30 am head downstairs start the kettle for a morning cuppa tea

8:32 am turn on bx93

8:35 am sit at computer check e-mails, answer e-mails, check facebook spend the several minutes scrolling through the lives of friends

9:20 am the hubs comes home from driving bus, take the puppy and catch a ride to the end of the side road and walk the 2K home

9:45 am eat some breakfast, usually fruit, greek yogurt and granola, either toss a load of laundry in the washer, or bake something delicious, it just depends on the day

10:12 am back at the computer, now reading through the blogs I follow - with this one as my favourite

11:25 am hang the clean clothes out on the wash line, straighten up the main floor living areas

12:00 pm watch “the big bang theory” on tv

12:30 pm eat some lunch, usually a salad of some kind {caesar, spinach, taco/nacho} or a wrap

12:45 pm read newest book borrowed from the library {if it’s nice I end up sitting outside}

2:12 pm the hubs is ready to head back out for his afternoon bus run, take the puppy and catch a ride - two side roads over and walk the 4k home

2:59 am finish tidying up the house, take down laundry and put away, or put fresh baking in containers, and read until the hubs is home

4.20 pm take the puppy and walk out to meet the bus - catch a ride in the lane, help close windows on the bus

4:25 pm start the kettle for an afternoon cuppa tea and check facebook updates

5:15 pm start supper preparations

5:30 pm watch “the big bang theory” on tv, during commercials continue making supper

6:00 pm watch “the big bang theory” on tv, during commercials continue making supper

6:30 pm eat supper

7:00 pm clean up supper, wash the dishes, put the kitchen back in order

7:35 pm sit at computer check e-mails, answer e-mails, check facebook {again} spend the several minutes scrolling through the lives of friends, write a blog post

8:05 pm read book

9:05 pm head to bed, read a bit more

9:35 pm turn off light and get some sleep - another busy {smirk} day tomorrow

so tell me, what does your day look like?
