Saturday, January 11, 2014 | By: Anita

Beautiful Thing ~ week # 2

This was the view outside my window at the beginning of this week
and by mid-week I had this bank of snow
blocking my vehicle and ultimately me in… for days!

Welcome to winter in Huron County!

For several days in a row we experienced severe and dangerous blizzard-like conditions, getting our fair share of snow falling and blowing resulting in near white-out conditions and several road-closures …. yes I do realize that living in Ontario it is inevitable to get our fair share of extreme weather.  Baby, it was cold outside!!! -28 C degrees, with a windchill that made it feel like -39. That my friends, is really, really cold.

Did you know that Snowflakes form in a wide variety of intricate shapes, leading to the popular expression that "no two are alike". Although statistically possible, it is very unlikely for any two snowflakes to appear exactly alike due to the many changes in temperature and humidity the snowflake experiences during its fall to earth. They come in a variety of sizes and shapes. Complex shapes emerge as the flake moves through differing temperature and humidity. Each snowflake is unique in structure.

whoops that was off-track…

the point of this post? is to find one beautiful thing to remember and to focus on

My point is this, life moves at such a fast pace that it seems to pass us by before we can really enjoy it. But life doesn’t have to be this way. It means taking time to enjoy whatever you’re doing. Life is better when unrushed. Slowing down is a conscious choice, and not always an easy one. And sometimes the choice is made for us by giving us a snow storm to help us stay put and simply do less.

‘There is more to life than increasing its speed.’ ~Gandhi

What was your beautiful thing this week?
