Saturday, May 10, 2014 | By: Anita

Beautiful Thing ~ week # 19

As I was sitting here looking back over my week, thinking of the beautiful thing that I wanted to post, I really struggled. I had it in my head what I was planning to write, but my mind kept focusing on something else.

I met my friend Heather for tea this week at the local coffee shop and each opportunity we take to get together, I eagerly anticipate our time and the genuine display of friendship that we share. After we ordered our tea and settled into our seats, she dropped a bomb on me. She’s moving to Kirkland lake…. that’s like 8 hours away, folks. As she continued to share, all I could focus on was what I was losing.

You see, making friends as an adult has been much harder that I anticipated. I always assumed by this stage in the game I would have mastered the art of small talk and would have this uncanny ability to attract new friends.

I’m 46 years old and I still struggle to find friends. I’m not very good at it, honestly. But this past this year, I’ve stepped out of my comfort zone to intentionally meet her and get to know her, and I was wonderfully surprised when we just clicked. Our personalities were so similar that it was frightening, and yet so comfortable. There was never that awkward silence, nor was there any of the inner dialoguing for me worrying of what will she think, when I say this or even that. I could be me. And in the past several months we became very close friends. She accepted my thoughts and feelings, whether or not she totally understood them, and was quite open about sharing her heart as well. She is one of those lifetime friends. These are those special friends that come once in a lifetime. You trust them 100%. You can tell them anything and they can tell you anything.

When people enter our lives, we have no idea how long they will stay, or what impact they will make on us.

“A friend is one that knows you as you are,
understands where you have been,
accepts what you have become, and still,
gently allows you to grow.”
~ William Shakespeare

There is nothing quite like friendship is there?
When I spend time with her, I feel better ~ a better person, better about myself and better about my life. I believe that our friendship was a gift from God and one that I will always treasure.

My beautiful thing is not that she is moving and that I’ll likely never see her again, but it’s because friendship is a beautiful thing.



Becky said...

Focus on the sorry your friends is moving I know how hard that is for you ...trusting that God will bring someone new into your life
