Saturday, May 24, 2014 | By: Anita

Beautiful Thing ~ week # 21

After spending a wonderful mini-vacation at my sister’s with my mom and my girl, I realized that I need a plan to be refreshed. Not just once, but on an ongoing basis.

We all have the tendancy to keep pushing ourselves or to continue with all that needs to be done and we forget that we need to schedule in time to slow down and find things that truly refresh our souls. We are quick to settle for what feels good in the moment but in the end leaves us feeling empty.

I have learned that taking care of myself is the most important thing I can do. To often we are running around doing this, that and the other thing that we forget what it truly important.
As for me, if I want to continue serving faithfully, that means taking a little respite along the way. Otherwise I burn out. Even Jesus frequently took time away from His ministry to be alone.

I want this to be true of me… “{S}He is like a tree firmly planted by streams of water that yields its fruit in its season and its leaf does not wither; and in whatever {s}he does, {s}he prospers. Psalm 1:3 {New American Standard Bible {NASB}}

You need to find what works for you. Whether it’s a simple weekend away with family or friends, a day at a spa, a quiet devotional time with a special tea blend . You come up with your plan and then make it happen.

My challenge to you: Think about how you can plan for some refreshment in your day, or your week, or even your month and then “come apart before you come apart” and see what you can do to make it happen!

What was your beautiful thing this week?



Becky said...

Definitely finding time for yourself is important...even if it the simple pleasure of sitting in the sun reading a book...time to relax and de-stress is a good thing

Great weekend

Debra said...

Like your ideas! We always think we need to spend money to "get away". But even half an hour alone doing nothing can do wonders.