Saturday, July 5, 2014 | By: Anita

Beautiful Thing ~ week # 27

It’s been a whirl wind week… we took some much needed time away and spent the week camping at the Pinery, the Provincial park that’s close to home. We slept in, took leisurely walks through the many trails, biked to the store each evening to enjoy an ice cream treat and sat around the campfire each night, roasting marshmallows for the smores…
It was good to get away from the routine of everyday, to take a slower approach to life. Where we could focus our time on being together, not on housework, or yard work, or paying the bills, or cleaning the house… or any other of the multitude of chores that are needed around the farm house.

We need to learn to “Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things.” ~ Robert Brault  We need to find blessings everywhere and take time to appreciate them, whether we are camping or at home. We don’t need to wait for the right time or until we clear the to-do list or feels like it. It should just come naturally. The best way to find the blessings is to look for them. Each day should be treated as extraordinary.

What was your beautiful thing this week?



Debra said...

Can't wait to do this in a couple of weeks myself!