Saturday, July 12, 2014 | By: Anita

Beautiful Thing ~ week # 28

If you're looking for me, today, I’m outside soaking up some sun ~ reading. It is no secret that my favourite past time is reading. In fact I love to read more than anything. And sadly, other things ~ like cleaning ~ tend to get neglected. I’m a bit of a book nerd and tend to be quite choosy about what I read. There are just too many good books out there to waste time reading bad books. A book really has to grab my attention and keep it, or I’ll replace it with one that does. I am a bit of a book snob. I am. I admit it.
Now, my first choice of genre would be murder mystery, {James Patterson, Erica Spindler, Karin Slaughter} I do however love a good romance {Emily Giffin, Nicholas Sparks, Jodi Picoult} now and then too. I love it when I find a new author {Tish Cohen,
Stephanie Gertler,  Liane Moriarty}.   I’ll find myself lost in another world with reading, getting totally absorbed with the storyline, falling in love with the characters and all their quirks, in fact at the end of one such book, I was in tears when the main character died.

With so many different authors and so many genres to choose from, I'm glad the local public library has it all.
This quiz about what kind of Library user you are was circulating around Facebook and I was not surprised by my results…

Based on your responses, you are most like this type of library user:
Library Lovers
along with 10% of the public.

Library Lovers have strikingly positive views of public libraries compared with other groups, and with the U.S. population; they use libraries and library websites more than any other group, and most believe libraries are essential at the personal as well as the community level. This group’s members are disproportionately younger than the general population. It also includes many parents, students, and job seekers, and more respondents with higher levels of education.

Reading ~ it‘s a beautiful thing!

How about you? what are you reading these days - any good books or blogs you want to recommend?

What was your beautiful thing this week?



Debra said...

I love to read but I've not read anything in a very,very long time. I think I've become lazy and want stories to be told to me. So I've gone back and started watching tv series that I've never seen.
But I have noticed that I'm more of a researcher reader for projects and such. So I guess I'm reading just a different genre.