Saturday, July 26, 2014 | By: Anita

Beautiful Thing ~ week # 30

How can it be that another week has gone by?

I so want these summer days to go slowly. I want to soak them up and soak them in. It’s hard to believe that it is the last Saturday in July already. Summer is almost halfway over. I am really hoping that the remaining month of summer does not continue to pass as quickly as the last month.

But I digress...

Several years ago, we had two trees that were starting to rot and become a threat of falling down, so we took preventative measures and had them cut down, only to leave two unsightly stumps still in the ground. Which we mowed around, trimmed up and kept avoiding the obvious. We needed to rent a grinder and have these stumps removed. Each summer we would talk about it, but sadly never did anything.

Until this week.

The company our youngest son works for has a grinder and when he came over for supper one night this week, he told us about his day which included grinding stumps. I was quite pleased when he asked his boss if he could do a couple of stumps for us, and then right after supper… yay! 

Our two unsightly stumps have been reduced to mounds of soil and wood chips. It was exciting to watch him operate the remote controlled grinder and to take such great care in doing his job well.
What was your beautiful thing?
