Saturday, August 2, 2014 | By: Anita

Beautiful Thing ~ week # 31

We’ve had a few busy days for the past several weeks. I had volunteered for the two weeks our church hosts a day camp and the farmer has been busy, busy. With wheat, hay and straw, {oh my!} add to that the milking, cleaning the cattle pens, plus there’s the garden, the lawn, repairs to the house… did I mention we’ve been busy?
Needless to say we’ve not spent a lot quality time together.

“Life moves pretty fast.
If you don’t stop and look around once in awhile,
you just might miss it.”
Ferris Bueller

We all want to live meaningful lives full of experiences we can be proud of. Real life doesn’t always happen like we see stories unfold in books or on the big screen. It doesn’t feel like an adventure most of the time. In fact, it can sometimes seem rather boring.

And as hard as we try to make it so, we are still occasionally stuck with less-than-remarkable moments. So what do we do with those? What if, instead of pining for the next big moment, we appreciated each moment? Learning to live in those so-called “boring” times with more intentionality?

If there’s one lesson I’ve learned these past few years, it’s this:
Be here, now.
If we wait for the experiences of a lifetime, we may miss the life in our experiences. It’s impossible live in the past or future; all we ever have is now.
The hard part is to be present, especially when it doesn’t feel that exciting.

So, having said all that, we took the opportunity this week to have an in-home date one night, picking a movie from our own library stash, made some popcorn, poured the wine and took the time to sit together and have a pleasant evening.

What was your beautiful thing?



Debra said...

Sometimes it can be just that simple can't it. ;)