Saturday, August 23, 2014 | By: Anita

Beautiful Thing ~ week # 34

Does anyone remember that cartoon back in the 60’s called “The Jetsons”?

Well neither do I really, except that it aired through re-runs during the Saturday morning cartoons.

It was this “space-age” cartoon family sitcom projecting their lifestyle into another time period. The Jetsons lived in a futuristic utopia in the year 2062 with elaborate robotic contraptions, aliens, holograms, and whimsical inventions. It all seemed so futuristic with their moving sidewalks, flying aerocars and of course the PicturePhone Direct.
And yet, here we are less than some 50 years later with a few of these “futuristic” things already in place. The videophone or as we call it skype is one such item that I’ve certainly come to appreciate.

With our one son living in Orillia, needless to say, I am so thankful for skype. It gives us that opportunity to not only chat with each other but for me to see him as well; and this week we spent time together catching up. Sure we could just talk on the phone but seeing him, somehow, makes all the difference.

What was your beautiful thing this week?



Debra said...

Yes I remember the Jetsons and can sing you the theme song as Ahhh Skype, allows me to chat with my daughter and grand kids on a daily basis .
My most wonderful thing this week was an ever so quiet canoe trip. Just a quick morning trip but still lovely.

krystle ann-marie said...

I knew this is where you were going with when I saw this post! My beautiful thing this week was a quick trip to the States for dinner and some retail therapy. :)