Saturday, October 25, 2014 | By: Anita

Beautiful Thing ~ week # 43

Last weekend The Lambton Museum hosted The Lambton Fall Colour and Craft Festival,  where a variety of craftpersons offer their wares including:
folk art
fine art
children and ladies clothing
stained glass
food (baked good, sauces & mixes, candy, etc.)
knitting and crochet
and more, who come together to share their talents.

I enjoy attending each year, and this year Krystle & I set aside the afternoon last Saturday and we wandered throughout the aisles of the many crafters. I usually find myself in awe of their skills, silently wishing I could have excelled in one of those areas. It doesn’t take long before a frown sets in and I have to wonder “But am I using my talents?” That’s when the doubts starts to creep in, and I really to begin to question my value and my worth. The harder I try to push and force myself to be something I’m not, the deeper the rut grows.

Thankfully the Holy Spirit begins to speak and I am reminded “I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.  Psalm 139:14 {New International Version {NIV}}
And then I smile to myself!

I remind myself that there is no need to worry. HE has me somewhere else ~ with a purpose that I might not be able to see at the time and to simply appreciate the gifts and talents of others.

What was your beautiful thing this week?



krystle ann-marie said...

I can't make half the stuff there. There needs to be someone to buy all the goodies! ;) I had lots of fun, thanks for inviting me!