Saturday, December 13, 2014 | By: Anita

Beautiful Thing ~ week # 50

For years my sister and I have referred to each other affectionately as “bliss”. Why, you ask? I really cannot remember how it started.

Over the years we have had a lot of opportunities to spend time together. Whether we’re making cards, baking Christmas cookies, creating meals for the freezer, celebrating our birthdays, camping together, and sharing many dinners with our husbands along side us.

Since she works full-time we’ve started making it a priority to meet just once a month, grab a cup of tea and sit together to catch up on the busyness that our lives well hers anyway, have become.

We met this past Monday, and spent several hours chatting, sipping, laughing, listening, and I thoroughly enjoyed our time. I greatly appreciate these opportunities to get together. Having someone that you know you can trust with your inner most secrets without fear of condemnation is such a blessing. Not only is she my sister but she is also a very dear friend and one that I am honoured to have in my life.

What was your beautiful thing week?



Becky said...

I really love those times together, always to short, and often too far apart in occurrence ...
Thank you for keeping it a priority