Saturday, December 20, 2014 | By: Anita

Beautiful Thing ~ week # 51

Sunday’s are quite often a family day. After spending time with our church family in the morning we quite often find ourselves with “the kids” for part of the afternoon.

I usually end up going for a walk through the trail with my girl, while the farmer takes his afternoon nap… as we walked through the trail this past Sunday, we came upon a little tree all decorated for Christmas, and it instantly put a smile on my face. So naturally we took a picture.

Each time I get one of my kids to take a picture of something, the next thing out of their mouth is “oh mom, are you going to blog about it”… they say that like it’s a bad thing.   Ok sure, maybe I put more of my private life “out there” but I like to have a record of these things.

Anyway, as we continued to walk and continued our talk, I was reminded again of all the things I am truly thankful for.

What was your beautiful thing this week?
