Monday, September 5, 2016 | By: Anita

New Journals

Now that the lazy days of summer are over, I find myself ready to get back into a routine.  Throughout July and August, I felt a little lost and out of sorts. Partly, yes, because we worked our way through three weeks of church daycamp and then the farm was busy with wheat coming off, straw being baled and of course the land that needed to be cultivated and disced to get it ready for the next crop. 

But the main reason I’ve been so disorganized is that it’s been too long since I made a good solid to-do list.

With my type “A”, über-organized, slightly OCD personality, I really cannot function without a to-do list ~ or about half a dozen other lists I have going at any given time. And I like to keep all my precious lists in a spiral-bound journal.

I love me a new journal.  

Whether it's leather bound, or a simple one from the dollar store, the point is to have at least one.  Me?  I actually like to have 4 or 5 hanging around. Because you never know when you're going to need a new journal. I use journals for my to-do lists, but also for brainstorming and planning everything from family menus to holiday shopping to party details to blog posts. I also like to use them for gifts pretty frequently. 

What about you?  Do you keep a journal?  

For me, it's one of the greatest gifts I can give myself. I can look back through old journals and see just how much has changed and where God has led me.  It's a place to record the good, the bad and even the ugly, and it's a gentle reminder that

Take Care