Thursday, March 9, 2017 | By: Anita

My Chair

I have a confession to make. I love my chair. 

This one I got from IKEA. 
Once I sat in it I knew… I knew this would become my chair. The one I’d need on those sleepless nights.  The one to have my afternoon rest in.  

The one I could sit in all day reading a book or watching a movie and never get up except if I have to … you know?!?

I could live in my comfy’s permanently and binge watch The Big Bang Theory, or troll Facebook until my finger hurts. I’d rather sit in my chair and read, than clean my house or go to the grocery store.

We need to stop from the hustle and bustle and the constant busyness of life and sit in our chairs.  Sometimes we need to slow down.

He says, “Be still, and know that I am God”  ~ Psalm 46:10 {New International Version {NIV}}

And so, on most afternoons this is the chair you’ll find me in, with a cup of tea by my side, sitting still, especially if the night before was a rough one…

Take Care


krystle ann-marie said...

You're welcome for the recommendation, even though you HATE Ikea. ;)