Sunday, January 5, 2014 | By: Anita

One Word

We’re already 5 days into the new year. Is your life completely different? Nah. Mine either. I haven’t abandoned any of my resolutions either. Why? Because I didn’t make any!

A long time ago, I did New Year's resolutions like most other people. And like most other people, I'd broken them long before January came to an end.

So, a few years back, I decided rather than any kind of resolution, I'd try for a word. One word  to build my year around.

I've found this really works for me. I've used words like honesty, authentic...

I love words. Reading them. Writing them. Hanging them on my walls. That’s why I love the idea of choosing one word to focus on all year. Because let’s face it: resolutions just weren’t working.

So at the end of each year, I ask God to reveal a word for me. And here’s the really cool thing ~ He does exactly that. God talks to me. I’m not saying He calls my phone or writes big puffy letters across the sky {or on my Facebook wall}. Rather, He whispers gently into my heart.

The word He gave me for 2014 is {drum roll please}
Here’s how defines it:
1. done with intention or on purpose; intended:
2. of or pertaining to intention or purpose.
3. Metaphysics .
a. pertaining to an appearance, phenomenon, or representation in the mind; phenomenal; representational.
b. pertaining to the capacity of the mind to refer to an existent or nonexistent object.
c. pointing beyond itself, as consciousness or a sign.
1. designed, planned. See deliberate.
1. accidental.

But what does that mean exactly?

I think, for me anyway, it means to think intentionally about the choices that I make, the words that I say, how and what I spend my time on. Because when we spend time thinking and praying about our values, it shows others what is important to us and how God intends for us to live.  2014 is my year to live an intentional life.  It is a commitment let Him use this oneword to frame my year however He sees fit. And it could very well be the key needed to living the life that God has planned.

Do you have one word that you’re focusing on this year?
