Saturday, September 1, 2012 | By: Anita

Spike's Birthday!

Twenty-four years ago today, our second child and first son Kyle Wayne joined our family. I think back to where we were so many years ago when we brought this little (well he was 8lbs 13 oz) boy into the world and it amazes me how quickly that time has gone by. We nicknamed him "Spike" when he was about 2 or 3 cause he was so tall and so skinny. And over the many years we watched him grow and grow and grow. Today he stands at 6' 3" and weighs about 285 lbs.

With Kyle living out on his own these past few years it’s hard for me when we aren’t together to celebrate birthdays. I always enjoyed making birthday dinner and celebrating with the family. “The times they are a changing”, to quote Bob Dylan.

Even though we couldn’t spend his birthday actually with him I am thankful for the close relationship we have with him. In fact, we have a close relationship with all our kids, and I am so very grateful. So while we didn't celebrate in the traditional way I was glad for the time we did have a couple weekends  ago.

Dear Kyle

It's been an incredible journey so far and as you continue to develop into the man that God has created you to be we pray that you will seek his will first and follow the plans that He has made for you. Knowing that we are always here for you and willing to lend a hand or two anytime. Happy Birthday Spike! Love Mom & Dad
