Friday, May 9, 2014 | By: Anita


I’ve always been one to look forward to the next stage in life. All through high school I couldn’t wait to get married and have a family to call my own. Once married, I eagerly anticipated our first child, then the second and the third all within four years. Once the kids started school I enjoyed spending my days as a full-time home-maker and gave up all evening meetings to spend quality time as a family, knowing that this too would pass quickly. Before we knew it all three were in high school, busy with band, volleyball and badminton. Each of them getting them their G1 license, then the G2 license, getting jobs, passing their G license, graduating high-school, moving Krystle into dorm at her post-secondary school of choice. Then of course in 2010, there was the wedding and both Kyle & Darcy left for post-secondary school in September, leaving us an empty next to contend with. We quickly adapted and learned to appreciate this life changing moment in our lives.

By definition, “life-changing” moments are ones which completely transform you. They are key moments that alter your life or circumstances in a significant and real way. These moments may be joyful or tragic, dramatic or subtle. Your moment may be a recent one or one from years back. Whatever they are, when they happened, they are your moments and they have helped define you.

But this next stage? This new one I am heading into, where I’ve become itchy, bitchy, sweaty, sleepy, bloated, forgetful & psycho.
That “wonderful” change of life that many women simply dread.  Sadly, though, this is one stage I am not really looking forward to. With it’s multiple symptoms of possible weight gain, insomnia, mood swings, anxiety and hot flashes, which, when you put altogether can be quite bothersome, making life for me and the hubs uncomfortable.

For some it might be a time of reflection and insight, where you don’t mourn the past, but anticipate what the future holds. Some experts even go on to say “you may actually welcome this change wholeheartedly, embracing the next phase of life”. To be grateful for each of the moments that happen in life. To use each stage/opportunity/rite of passage/life-changing moment to appreciate what I already have. Life looks much better, and actually is, when approached with gratitude.

Each stage of life presents it own set of challenges and questions, some quickly answered and overcome, some linger unanswered. It likely will be a little unnerving at times, but, just like everything else, I am sure I will survive this rite of passage and live to tell the tale.

Life is good.
And I want to enjoy every. single. stage. Even this one!



krystle ann-marie said...

Good one! And I liked the preamble before this one was posted. :)

Debra said...

I plan on being as sweet as pie. How others will view me I'm sure will be a different