Thursday, January 1, 2015 | By: Anita

2015 one word

Another year has passed, 2014 is history. 

Can you believe it?

And now we have ushered in a new year, 2015. A clean and blank calendar. And yet, God knows what each and every box will hold. He knows. Nothing is hidden to Him. Not a single event or circumstance will take Him by surprise like it will me. How amazing to think about the year ahead.

A couple of years ago, I stumbled upon the One Word 365 thing and I was immediately intrigued. Better than resolutions, it provides the opportunity to choose just one word to describe who you are, who you want to be, something you want to define your life… or whatever.

One word. Simple. Doable. I like it!

Every new year, I find myself planning and these last few weeks, I have been thinking about one “word” to focus on in 2015. The point of choosing One Word isn’t to set ourselves up for guilt trips and browbeating. The point of choosing One Word is to set it as a compass, a heart guide for our calendar year. It’s not a journey that begins on January 1, and ends December. It’s about seeking ways to be changed, to grow, to be made into the woman God designed me to be.

When something is important to me, I write it down.

Even if its just one word.

It all started back in 2012, and my word was “honest”, and as the year ended, I wasn’t quite finished with it so I carried it forward to 2013 with the word “authentic”. This past year, I tried to focus my life on being “intentional”And as each year segued into the next I soon learned that after striving to be more honest, it led me to become more authentic, which gave me a better understanding of being intentional with my time. I found that when I was intentional about what I did and who I spent my time with I soon realized what was most important in my life causing me to be so thankful for the many blessings that I have.

Which naturtally makes this year’s word to be:
adjective \'thaŋk-fəl\
: glad that something has happened or not happened,
that something or someone exists,
: feeling or expressing gratitude; appreciative.
: of, relating to, or expressing thanks

I’ve learned this year that when I looked back over each week to write about “a beautiful thing”, I realized just how truly thankful I am and to not take any moment for granted… this year I want to be thankful for each day and each opportunity that arises…
Your One Word is important, too. Perhaps you’d like to write it down? Write it on a sticky note and hang it on your mirror or stick it on your fridge. Change the wallpaper on your screen saver on your computer.

Just write it down.

How will you keep God’s word and your One Word on your heart for the days and months and year to come?

Take Care


Debra said...

Forgiving. Slow to anger and quick to forgive.
I may as well start with a hard one because right now this world has no more room for grudges and vendettas.

Ruth said...

I really enjoyed reading this blog entry. I will be thinking over the next few days what my one word will be.